The latest project from NY based designer, Cardon Webb, aims to make our streets that little bit nicer, well, in terms of design and posters and stuff.
Upon finding dismal, tatty looking posters and fliers - mostly lost cat posters and car-for-sale type notices - Cardon whisks them away (hopefully not for too long) and cunningly re-creates fancy looking Cardon Copies - get it?!
The 'Cardon Copy' project redesigns unconsidered things, 'over powering their message with a new visual language'. Cardon then 'replaces the original with the redesign back in its authentic environment'.
And if you'd like to know what we think it takes to make a great lost cat poster you can delve into our archives, or simply click here for our lost cat poster theory - a nice blast from the past.
Love the cat! Good spot