New W&K ad for Finish

There's a hell of a lot to enjoy in Wieden & Kennedy's swansong ad for Finish. It's refreshing to see something so entertaining in what is a relatively dull category. Also refreshing to see something grounded so firmly in the world of subject of cleaning dishes rather than any high falutin' brand purpose lifestyle nonsense. Seems absolutely ludicrous that the account is moving when the creative work is as good as this. Maybe it's a sad indictment and sign of our times that for some marketing folk other things matter far more that the quality of their advertising...



  1. Is the industry just "too selfish" to work properly now...? Can it progress...?

    1. Good questions. I suppose business by its nature is "selfish"? What do you think?

  2. any verdict on Cannes winners?
    would like to hear it from you and to how it relates to what you're proclaiming on this blog.

    1. Hmm, if I'm honest I haven't really been paying much attention, I don't really cares who wins. It seems a different world. What do you think?


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