Sell! Sell! Is Now Closed For Christmas

Thanks to everyone we've worked with, and you our kind reader for a good year, hope you have a good break. We'll be back with more nonesense in the new year. Whether you like it or not. In the meantime, keep your entries coming in for Merry January.

Introducing The Merry January Giveaway Bonanza From Sell! Sell!

Yes, it’s that time of year again, ‘tis the season for agencies of all kinds to send around funny digital widgets, websites, snazzy Christmas-based films, pressies, jolly mailers, cards and all kinds of vaguely Christmas-related creativity.

But ask yourself this, dear reader - why should all this mildly embarrassing fun be condensed into a two week period in December, leaving January to be a cold and bleak month of coming back to work, dieting and incessant rain?

That's why this year we are bringing you Merry January, a veritable unfestive fest of fun. A ray of upbeat sunshine in the dankest month of the year. Sort of. On Monday 17th January, officially the most depressing day of the year (nicknamed Blue Monday by someone who made it up completely), we’ll be giving away what can only be described as an almost astonishing array of prizes...
A night for two at the Hemel Hempsted Travelodge

A screen-printed poster by excellent illustrator and
friend of Sell! Sell! Andy Smith (it might not be this one)

A pair of excellent books
...And The Truth Shall Set You Free  by David Icke
 and Positioning by Ries and Trout

A luxury Cheese & Spanners Hamper
Two packs of excellent Howdoos personalisable business cards
from our friends at Delicious Industries
A bag containing all of the needles that
fell off the Sell! Towers Christmas tree

A dance at the prestigious Browns Gentleman's Venue

A crate of Hollows Superior Alcoholic Ginger Beer
(more to come on these in the new year)

A genuine Wedgewood Charles & Camilla commemorative plate

The top shelf of spirits from City General Store round the corner

So to decide the winners, we'll be drawing numbers from a (Union Jack bowler) hat. To take part, all you need is an entry number. Some of you lucky lot will be receiving a hand letterpressed Merry January draw number in the post, printed onto recyled photography and illustrators cards from this year, they look like this...

To get your own draw number, just email and we'll send you one by the wonders of digital mail. Good luck, and here's to a Merry January!

Look Mum No Hands!

What more could you want on a cold winter's day?
It's no wonder that the trendy bicycle repair shop/cafe was packed when I walked past last night.

Is This The Darkest Commercial On TV?

And I don't mean dark in an arty, movie-type way. I just mean very, very dark. Especially for me the lady who has been cast in this ad, I mean she's attempting to look friendly and inviting, but she looks like she is trying to hold back from morphing back into the devil at any moment. And that's without even getting into the whys and wherefores of the excellent typical 2356% APR.

On a sightly related, but lighter note, you know that fat bloke who says "Wonga" in that ad for Envirfone? Waddayamean no? Anyway it seems like he has become some sort of YouTube celebrity. Here is one of our favourites versions, Fiddy Wonga...

Bernie Ecclestone Hublot Ad

I thought the glory days of the tactical print ad had long gone. Not so for billionaire Mr Bernie Ecclestone. After a particularly vicious mugging last month Bernie had his Hublot watch nicked. He saw an opportunity to help Hublot capitalise on this unfortunate incident and this ad that ran in the International Herald Tribune and Financial Times is the end result.
Sure, it could have been executed a whole lot better [Witness the irrelevant typography of "The Art Of Fusion" line that separates Bernie's battered face from the luxury watch] but it's done the job of attracting a decent slug of press coverage for the brand.
By the way, how funny is the inclusion of the line "Hublot condemns all forms of violence and racism"? Hublot obviously don't condemn violence enough to dismiss it as a platform for advertising and generating PR. And I also seriously doubt whether Mr Ecclestone was the victim of a racist attack. The fact that he's worth about two billion quid and was swanning around Knightsbridge with a fancy watch on his wrist probably had more to do with it.

.wwf the file that can't be printed

Your pdfs will never be the same again.

The WWF have released a new file format that forcibly prohibits you from printing out the document. Basically, it's a pdf that can't be printed and it's got a .wwf extension. It's a great idea and a neat little device. A shame it's only available on Macs at present but we're sure that will soon change.

You can download the converter and save a few trees here.

Why Beat About The Bush?

It's the run-up to Christmas, and all kinds of companies in the UK are gently applying pressure on the seasonal shopper. But, as this Toronto jeweler demonstrates, why go to all that trouble? I wish it was art directed better, and running in New York. My own prejudices.

George Michael Highway Code

To say Frankie Boyle's Tramadol Nights was a bit of a letdown is a understatement.  This little piece, however, made tuning in worthwhile.

Airline Bag Lounge

Looking at these vintage airline travel bags brings over a lovely wave of nostalgia for the days when air travel was a glamourous and exciting adventure. There's lots of interesting old logos and bits of type worth browsing.  There's also a few other eclectic collections worth a look over at Troyland.
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