Pink Floyd V&A Exhibition

If any of you mortals happen to find yourself not sat on the sofa shovelling a combination of pickled gherkins and ice cream down your gob this weekend, I suggest you mosey on down to the V&A and check out the Pink Floyd exhibition.

Why? Because it's good (I hope you didn't come here hoping to find some kind of insightful review).

There's lots of musicy stuff to enjoy. There's also a dizzying amount of art directiony stuff to enjoy too.

Or, if you're like myself and you enjoy irritating the well spoken and well mannered amongst us by standing uncomfortably close and breathing your gherkiny-ice-creamy-breath all over them, then there's lots of potential for that as well.

It's the perfect day out for all the family.

New W&K ad for Finish

There's a hell of a lot to enjoy in Wieden & Kennedy's swansong ad for Finish. It's refreshing to see something so entertaining in what is a relatively dull category. Also refreshing to see something grounded so firmly in the world of subject of cleaning dishes rather than any high falutin' brand purpose lifestyle nonsense. Seems absolutely ludicrous that the account is moving when the creative work is as good as this. Maybe it's a sad indictment and sign of our times that for some marketing folk other things matter far more that the quality of their advertising...


Harry Willcock via the excellent Mike Dempsey blog

Mike Dempsey has written two great pieces about Harry Willcock, the man who helped create a large portion Alan Aldridge's work. You can check out the first piece here, and the second here.

If you're not yet familiar with Mike Dempsey's blog, then get to know, son. It's one of the few blogs remaining that is written by someone capable of designing themselves, it features in-depth and thoughtful pieces about work created from both today and yesteryear, and there's not a shred of 'it's-ironic-therefore-it-must-be-good-omg-lol'.

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