APG Guest Editors This Month - Us!

Hello there fine reader. Something strange has happened. For over ten years (9 on this blog) we've been calling bullshit on the ad industry and it's weird and counterproductive practices from the periphery of the business.

But this month, the rather lovely people at the APG have invited us to be guest editors of their website, specifically to help unpick the way that planning and creative work together (or don’t) in ad agencies. And suggest a better way of working.

We are on the inside, people.

The APG describe themselves as a membership organisation that promotes smarter thinking. That sounds good to us. More of that is needed.

Anyway, head on over the to the site here http://www.apg.org.uk/guesteditor-andy-and-vic to read the introduction. Check back over the next four weeks as we'll be posting up articles that are intended to challenge the current way agencies work with clients and develop ideas.

If you have landed here from the APG website and are new to the karayzee world of Sell! Sell!, hello and thanks for stopping by. Stay a while and have a root around, here's a few posts to give you a flavour...

From 2008: Strategy Is Not a Department http://sellsellblog.blogspot.co.uk/2009/07/strategy-is-not-department.html

2009: Three Chords and the Truth: http://sellsellblog.blogspot.co.uk/2009/12/three-chords-and-truth-how-advertising.html

2010: Is Advertising More Stupider Than it Thinks? http://sellsellblog.blogspot.co.uk/2010/02/is-modern-advertising-more-stupider.html

2010: The Centre for Common Fucking Sense in Marketing:  http://sellsellblog.blogspot.co.uk/2010/08/centre-for-common-fucking-sense-in.html

2010: An Open Letter (The 'Brian Letter'): http://sellsellblog.blogspot.co.uk/2010/08/open-letter-to-all-of-advertising-and.html

2010: The Truth About Advertising Blog Readers: http://sellsellblog.blogspot.co.uk/2010/02/this-is-truth-about-advertising-blog.html

2016: Are You Really Okay with the Idea of Creativity? http://sellsellblog.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/are-you-okay-with-idea-of-creativity.html

And don't forget our book (although it's currently sold out, new run hopefully coming soon) you can read about it here: http://sellsellblog.blogspot.co.uk/p/how-to-make-better-advertising-and.html

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