The Only Lens

Occasionally I read the ad tabloid that is Campaign. Apparently last week they reprinted our ECD joke. Er, thanks, I think. Now, although it's the bit I invariably read first, I almost always get irritated by the Private View section. Opinions eh? Arseholes etc, you know the saying. I think that's mainly because most people use the column to try to get across some kind of buzzword or something that they're trying claim ownership of. This week, however, someone wrote something that I agree with completely. But it also made me feel a bit sad for our industry.

It's by Simon Francis, chief exec of Saatchi & Saatchi EMEA. In the intro, he states that he's reviewing the work through the lens of advertising being for "...having big ideas that motivate and move people - lots of people - to behave in way that's beneficial to our clients". That's great. I wholeheartedly agree with him. And he does go on to review the work very fairly and accurately in this way (in my 'umble opinion).

But surely this is the only way we should be judging the work we do for clients, isn't it?

The sad thing is that for a lot of people in the business, clearly it isn't. The fact that Mr Francis needs to spell out in an ad industry mag that that's how he's judging the work, isn't that pretty sad for the ad industry?

No wonder clients think ad agencies have lost the plot.

Straight 8 and 12 Pies Premiere

Last night we went over to the Renoir cinema to watch our Straight 8 film 12 Pies for 12 Bridges for the first time. Thanks to the Straight 8 people for putting on a good night and show, and congratulations to anyone who got a film through to the showing. It was pretty nerve-wracking waiting for it to come on, wondering if the film would come out properly, wondering if it would be as we expected, if the sound would match up, hoping it wouldn't be complete pants etc. Well, thankfully it wasn't quite the unmitigated disaster that it could have been, and some kind (drunken?) souls even laughed in the places that we hoped might be funny. And a few cheers afterward. Ta for that, whoever you are.

If you haven't come across it before, the Straight 8 competition involves making a three minute film on one super 8 cartridge (supplied and marked by the Straight 8 organisers), with no editing, no re-takes and no room for errors (or at least your muck-ups are there for all to see captured on film). You send the undeveloped cartridge back to the organisers, and the sound you record separately and send on a disc. The first time you get to see the picture against sound being the cinema screening, with a lot of other people.

It was a fantastic experience seeing a film you've made on the big screen, quite different to when we've had commercials in the cinema - probably largely because we hadn't seen it until that point. It has to be said that there were some properly quality films - clever ideas and very detailed productions - the ones that stood out for us were The Invention by Rob Oldfield, Zombeef by Darren Walsh, My Dog by Ed Kaye & Alex Mavor, Carrots & Spaghetti by Mooch & Dave, and The Desert Society by Marta Besevic. Cracking stuff.

And here, if you're interested, is 12 Pies For 12 Bridges...

12 Pies Premiere Tonight

An artists impression of tonight's premiere

Tonight the Sell! Sell! family is heading over to the Renoir Cinema to witness the glory (or monumental cock-up) that is the UK premiere of 12 Pies For 12 Bridges, our Straight8 2010 entry. See you there if you're going. We've got the tuxedos out and everything.

Mattias Ink

These beautiful sketchbook illustrations are created by freelance illustrator Mattias Adolfsson. He uses a trusty Namiki Falcon fountain pen with a combination of American eel in and watercolours. If you like his style you can find some of his prints for sale over on Etsy.

Reaction to Heskey's retirement

2010 was a great year for English football. Emile retired.

Spotted on Talksport Magazine

10 Imaginary Summer Fiction Book Titles

The Portuguese Lute
Ten Days In Iberia
The Conquistador's Daughter
Mary Chesterton
That's Because of You
A Journey From Macedonia
A Clock For Eternity
The Forbidden Chantuese
The Dog Breeder's Acquaintance
Knowing Sebastian

Any suggestions?

Newport State Of Mind

Okay, I know you've all seen this by now, but I can't bear to not have this on the blog. Cracking stuff.

Cassette Lord

Brightening up objects on the street near you.


Ever wondered how to make your own glowsticks? Now you know.

Work In Progress...

A couple of spy shots from our shoot yesterday. A shoot that involved amongst other things, and in no particular order; male camel toe, the tossing of lemons, a hefty pugilist, a cattle prod, a kick in the goolies, and bit of light tickling. All shot at the Ragged School Museum, a fantastic, preserved Victorian Barnardo's school in the east end - you can read more about it here if you're interested.

Cycle Hire

The other day we noticed this crazy new docking station round the corner from Sell Towers on Shoreditch High St. It's part of the wider London Cycle Superhighway thingy, you might've noticed blue lanes popping up all over the capital. It looks like everything is running smoothly and you'll be able to start hiring bikes from the end of July. You can find out more over yonder.

The New Executive Creative Director

A big-name Executive Creative Director is brought into a large, network ad agency to shake up the creative department.

On his first day, he gathers the creative department together to give them a rousing speech, and a taste of his uncompromising new regime.

He stands in front of the group of slouching creatives and asks if anyone there is a has-been hack, and if they are, they should stand now.

After an interminable period of silence, a creative in his early thirties slowly gets to his feet.

The ECD asks the chap if he really feels that he is a has-been hack.

The creative replies,

"No, I just felt sorry for you standing there all by yourself".

More CassetteBoy

More Cassetteboy. Never fails to amuse. Here's a Jamie mash up.
See more cracking cut ups here and here.
This one spotted via It's Nice That.

Holga D

Those of you familiar with analogue photography will know all about the cult classic Holga camera. Simple, cheap, plastic cameras with a lofi aesthetic, qualities rare to find in a digital equivalent. But now industrial designer Sikat Biswas has came up with the beautifully simple concept above, the Holga-D digital camera.

Initially the Holga D was produced as nothing more than a whimsical design born out of a frustration with digital and a love of analogue, but thanks to the internet the concept has taken off like wildfire and had a flurry of interest from serious parties. The upshot being that this brilliant idea might actually see the light of day. You can keep up to date with it's progress here. Hopefully we'll see this on sale soon.


Carrying on with today's midweek nonsense, we couldn't quite believe someone has gone to the trouble of recreating the city of San Francisco out of tiny jelly molds. The mind boggles! And wobbles! Must have been a real labour of love.
See more painstakingly minute details from err, project jellyscape and some strangely intriguing project pics here, via Design You Trust. And more scapes we like here.

Wayne And Garth On Google Street View

View Larger Map

Luca Barcellona

Brilliant hand drawn Fraktur lettering from Milan based Luca Barcellona. Luca has a pretty big collection of work over on flickr encompassing final pieces as well as some of his work in progress, it's this video however that really shows off his great technique.

Sebastiaan Bremer

Sebastiaan Bremer's new works might seem a little voyeuristic, bit like you're riffling through a modern day von Trapp family photo album, but by gum they're good. We really like the random compositions (and clothes) and the delicate use of colour layers, which apparently gives you the sense that 'you're looking through the picture' which in turn allows the detailed images to 'change every time you see them'.
See the full collection here.

Up There

Interesting documentary about the guys who work at Sky High Murals, one of the last mural painting companies in NYC and the lengths, and heights they go to for perfection. Nicely shot and good music too. Worth a watch.
Found via Matthew Buchanan.

AT-AT day afternoon

"When I was a kid, there are two things I wanted badly and never got... A real dog and a Kenner AT-AT Walker." — Patrick Boivin

The very talented (& patient) Patrick Boivin, who brought us this, has made another really good stop motion short. This time about a confused Star Wars AT-AT toy that thinks it's a dog.
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