
We swung past the Kemistry gallery to catch their latest exhibit 'Gastrotypographicalassemblage' [just rolls off the tongue don't it]. It's a collection of work from the legendary art director Lou Dorfsman's typographical designs and fine CBS print ads.

In case you didn't know Dorfsman's the chap responsible for the notorious 11 metre long handmade wooden typographical wall designed for CBS's Sixth Avenue cafeteria building back in the 60's that he named 'Gastrotypographicalassemblage'. The 'handmilled wood type listed all the foods offered to patrons' and it's this very piece that gives its name to the title of the exhibition.

Although the original 'Gastrotypographicalassemblage' isn't on show a rather lovely specially-created, half scale, photographic reproduction is, as you can see below...

But we recommend you see the real thing. Visit Kemistry's site to find out more.

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