Viva Espana!
At Sell! Sell! towers we adopted the Spanish team for the European championships, so it was great to see them win it last night. Although, as a replacement for following the England team it didn't really deliver. Where was the under achievement? Where was the rubbish football? Where was the getting knocked-out by a much less good team followed by national self-loathing and much beer-soaked introspection? Well thankfully nowhere to be seen. Just great football and a trophy. Nice.
Here's a last little slice of fantastic Spanish culture to celebrate.
Fifty Designers' Current Favourite Typefaces

It includes contributions from people like Farrow, Stefan Sagmeister, The Chase, North, Pentagram and The Designers Republic. And it's only three quid. So why not buy one instead of your bucket of milk & coffee tomorrow?
You can buy it from Koenig Books in Charing Cross Road, Artwords Bookshop in Shoreditch or here.
Seven Songs For Spring
We've been tagged by our good friends at Delicious Industries to come up with our 'Seven Songs For Spring'. It's now sort of 'Seven Songs For Spring/Summer', although that sounds a bit like a catalogue. Anyhow enough! Here are our seven songs, as nominated by the Sell! Sell! crew (in no particular order)...
1. La Bamba - Los Lobos
2. All I Want Is You - Barry Louis Polisar
3. Wagon Wheel - Old Crow Medicine Show
4. Sunshine - Sparklehorse
5. Shut Up And Let Me Go - The Ting Tings
6. California Soul - Marlena Shaw
7. Springtime For Hitler - The Producers Original Soundtrack
In turn we are tagging Rubbishcorp, Lunar, and I Rate Everything.
1. La Bamba - Los Lobos
2. All I Want Is You - Barry Louis Polisar
3. Wagon Wheel - Old Crow Medicine Show
4. Sunshine - Sparklehorse
5. Shut Up And Let Me Go - The Ting Tings
6. California Soul - Marlena Shaw
7. Springtime For Hitler - The Producers Original Soundtrack
In turn we are tagging Rubbishcorp, Lunar, and I Rate Everything.
Are You Being Served? (not by Tom Hunter)
How many times can you make the 'My Pussy' joke and it still be funny?
A lot. Classic.
"Ground floor perfumery, stationery and leather goods, going up..."
'Are You Being Served' by Tom Hunter

Olympic Posters at The Museum of Childhood

Max's Joke Of The Week Part Deux

Me, but cunningly disguised.
After franticly surfing the web desperately trying to find an amusing joke that would make the two fearsome and ferocious advertisers, that are Andy and Vic laugh it occurred to me that one, almost all joke website’s are rubbish and that 50% of jokes are about dumb blonds. So when I stumbled across this little bomb shell I thought it was the first joke that had gone in the opposite direction to the usual blonds are stupid. In reality most people are aware that you should never underestimate the blond as this poor man did, cause otherwise you will end up looking like the plum.
A woman and a man driver are involved in a horrific collision, but amazingly both escape completely unhurt - though their cars are written off.
As they crawl out of the wreckage, the man sees the woman is blonde and strikingly beautiful. Then the woman turns to the man and gushes breathily: 'That's incredible - both our cars are demolished but we're fine. It must be a sign from God that we are meant to be together!'
Sensing a promise, the man stammers back, 'Oh yes, I agree with you completely!'
The woman goes on, 'And look, though my car was destroyed, this bottle of wine survived intact, too! It must be another sign. Let's drink to our love!'
'Well, OK!' says the man, going with the moment. She offers him the bottle, so he downs half of it and hands it back.
'Your turn,' says the man.
'No, thanks,' says the woman, 'I think I'll just wait for the police.'
Pinky at the Old Shoreditch Station

South Park: Best Friends Forever

Life Is Beautiful

Max's Joke 'O' The Week #1

Son: Dad, I have to do a special report for school. Can I ask you a question?
Father: Sure, son. What's the question?
Son: What is politics?
Father: Well, let's take our home for example. I am the wage earner, so let's call me “Tony Blair.” Your mother is the administrator of money, so we'll call her “Gordon Brown.” We take care of your needs, so we'll call you “the People.” We'll call the maid “the Working Class,” and your baby brother we can call “the Future.” Do you understand, son?
Son: I'm not really sure, Dad. I'll have to think about it.
That night, awakened by his baby brother's crying, the boy went to see what was wrong. Discovering that the baby had seriously soiled his nappy, the boy went to his parents' room and found his mother sound asleep. He went to the maid's room where, peeking through the keyhole, he saw his father in bed with the maid. The boy's knocking went totally unheeded by his father and the maid, so the boy returned to his room and went back to sleep. The next morning he reported to his father.
Son: Dad, now I think I understand what politics is.
Father: Good, son! Can you explain it to me in your own words?
Son: Well, dad, while Tony Blair is screwing the Working Class, Gordon Brown is sound asleep, the People are being completely ignored and the Future is full of shit.
All feedback, requests and submissions for Max's Joke 'O' The Week gratefully received.
More Sell! Sell! Work In Progress...
Vector Portraits - 66 Drives

Sell! Sell! Salutes... Should've gone to Specsavers
'Should have gone to Specsavers' is something increasingly rare in the advertising business - an advertising idea that is allowed to build over time. Is it a strategy? Is it a creative idea? No, it's just a good advertising idea that is locked into the product and brand. Three years ago I don't think any particular high-street optician had an advantage over another, but thanks to the client (and the agency) having faith in this idea, Specsavers is becoming "the one you've heard of". The thing about building a campaign like this is that it's not about individual executions, it's about sticking with it over time. Often, the initial executions aren't 'knock-out' but do a good job setting up the idea for those who come later to bring it to life in different ways. It's not about making little pieces for the annual beauty parade of executions that are the creative awards - it's about building something valuable over time. So for that, for sticking with it, Specsavers - we salute thee!
Que Viva El Sell¡ El Sell! Part II
To celebrate Spain's excellent win over Russia, here's another slice of Spanish culture. Come on you rojo!
See also Que Viva El Sell¡ El Sell!
The New 3G iPhone

Matchbook Images

George Bush Colouring Book

George Bush's term as president of the US of A is nearly at an end, but there's still time to get in your piss-takes. This is a pretty good one, the George Bush Colouring Book. Are you meant to stay in the lines?
Foo Fighters at Wembley
On Saturday night I went to watch the Foo Fighters at Wembley Stadium. I'm a fan of the Foos but don't normally like big concerts, I'd rather see a smaller band in a small club or something than a big one at a festival. But - this was awesome. Wembley was sold out with 86000 people, yet the atmosphere was indescribable really, amazing. It has to be the best gig I've ever been to. To top it off with an encore with guest appearances from Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones playing Led Zep classics Rock And Roll and Ramble On (with Grohl drumming on the first) was fantastic. OK, that's enough superlatives. While I was trawling youtube for a clip, I found this of Will Ferrell and Dave Grohl doing a duet of Leather & Lace - random but good...
Que Viva El Sell¡ El Sell!
Well Euro 2008 kicks off tomorrow. We've felt bombarded by TV channels and newspapers telling us to 'Decide who we're going to support' - a thinly veiled attempt to drum up interest in a competition that doesn't include any of the home nations. Obviously they have sold their ad space and scheduled their programmes around it, and are desperate to get people watching/reading.
However, being footy fans here at Sell! Towers, we realise (even though the constant badgering has been a bit bit annoying) we should pick a team to throw our support behind. But who to chose? Obviously we have the opportunity to support a team that might actually win the competition, or one that might overachieve. But somehow that seems wrong. It wouldn't be the same following a major international competition without a sense of injustice and disappointment. So we have decided to go with a team that matches good old England for being much less than the sum of it's very talented parts. A team that equals our consistently strong record of under achievement in international competitions. That's right - Spain.
They are being touted as potential winners - check!
They have some of the best players in Europe - check!
They will probably lose to Croatia or Greece or someone - check!
So, for the next couple of weeks, or at least until they get knocked out - Sell! Sell! will become El Sell! El Sell!. We're cracking out the Chorizo, Estrella Damm and the Juan Sola records. We is going Espaniol!

Same car, different year

Sell! Sell! Salutes - Aston Villa

Not because of their footballing prowess. Not because they'll be playing in the Intertoto Cup against a team from Eastern Europe whose name has too many vowels in it. And not because they're going to sell Gareth Barry to Liverpool.
But because they've decided to forego the filthy lucre of lucrative shirt sponsorship and wear a strip emblazoned with Acorns - a network of children hospices.
This story warmed the cockles of our hearts. In the era where football seems to be more and more about the money, it's great that a club is taking a stand and doing something truly positive. It's also smashing for a low profile children's charity like Acorns as they'll get invaluable exposure and awareness that will undoubtedly contribute massively to their fundraising efforts.
Football kits were changed forever in 1977 when Hibernian became the first club to wear shirts carrying sponsorship. As our picture shows, it was for the sports brand Bukta (now fashionable 31 years later only in Shoreditch). As you can see, Hibernian picked Rab C Nesbitt's drinking buddies to show off their revolutionary shirts. Those were the days.
Since then the world and his corporate wife have jumped on the shirt sponsorship bandwagon in a desperate attempt to connect with the man on the terraces and the man in front of his telly permanently tuned in to Sky Sports. Often with mixed results. Does anyone really drink Chang Beer? Have they spent all their cash sponsoring Everton instead of actually distributing the product in bars, restaurants and supermarkets where people might actually be tempted to buy it?
It was wonderfully refreshing to see Man Utd wear unsponsored shirts to mark the 50th anniversary of the Munich Air disaster. Now there's a shirt you could wear with pride if you were a supporter. Shame it was only a one-off.
Wouldn't it be marvellous if all the other 19 Premiership clubs followed Aston Villa's lead and had a charity on the front of their shirts? I'm sure they'd make up the shortfall in cash from sales of dodgy pies, flat overpriced beer or bungs. Can't see it happening somehow...
Clients - Meet the creatives

Obviously, everyone who an agency wheels into a meeting with a prospective client, or at a pitch, or at a presentation is going to 'say the right things' and have an understanding of the client's business and what they are trying to achieve.
But if you are a client looking for an agency, or you already have an agency but you haven't done this - do this. Ask to meet the creative department. Be firm, don't take no for an answer. The agency might try to find ways to distract you, but insist - it's your right.
Don't settle for meeting a couple of senior people, or an awkward group meeting. Ask to be given the run of the creative department for an hour. Pop in and see as many different creatives and teams as possible, at all levels; juniors, middleweights, placement teams - and just chat to them for a couple of minutes. Ask them what they are working on, ask them what their favourite campaign is and why, ask them what they think their Creative Director is looking for in their work. Ask them why they got into the business, what they think makes for a successful campaign, what their own most successful campaign is. You get the picture. Find a bit about what is going on at the business end of the agency. It'll give you a good insight into the company, and the people, and the culture. And you might find out what the people doing your advertising are really interested in.
And I think in some cases you might find that very interesting indeed.
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