Those Trendy Business Blarney Books In One Sentence #1: Free

Part one of a great new irregular series.

You know those books about business or culture that everyone reads, then repeats as though they are the new gospel, even though most are just the opinion or theory of some writer or odd-bod? The ones that do the rounds in agencies, who regurgitate them so that they sound like they're on the cutting-edge? It turns out that most can be summed up in one sentence.

#1: Free: The Future of a Radical Price. By Chris Anderson.

The internet makes it almost cost-free to distribute things, so that means everything should be free, oh, wait, a lot of things cost quite a lot to produce, that's a shit idea, hmmm... oh well, I'm quite far into this now, maybe no-one will notice.

Next in the series coming soon.

Bryan Derbella

Bryan Derbella is a great documentary photographer from New York. He is also the curator over at Lovebryan. His Chavismo gallery has some great shots from the recent Venezuelan referendum and in his Brooklyn Wrestling series there's some great black & white images.

Burrill at Kemistry

Anthony Burrill's new exhibition, 'In a New Place', is currently being displayed at Kemistry Gallery until 5th September. In his latest collection Burrill takes a step away from his renowned 2D type-based print work in favour of laser-cut perspex pieces and digital prints. 

'The subject of the exhibition focuses on archetypal forms of nature, from rainbows to thunderstorms, all within Burrill's uncomplicated and distinctive geometric style.'

We've heard good things and plan to take a butchers. Details of the exhibition can be found on the Kemistry site here.

Christian Northeast

Christian Northeast creates these fantastic illustrations, typography and collages. I just love 'em. It's a great body of work and well worth checking out here.

He also has one of the best about pages that I've seen...


Nicholas Malinowsky

'Death and the Afterlife' by French artist come graphic designer (for Ill-Studio) Nicholas Malinowsky, showcases some really off-the-wall visuals. And there's a rather interesting story behind the collection too...

Inspiration for the collection began when Malinowsky came across some curious items whilst browsing in a second hand shop. He noted that the objects, mainly photographs, books and vinyls, reflected a pronounced interest in world culture and art. He later realised that they had all belonged to the same deceased man. After discovering this Malinowsky "wanted to honour this man after meeting him in such an odd posthumous way", and so he created the above exhibition.

Click here to see more wonderfully bizarre images and find out a little more about the story behind them. Ill-Studio houses an array of very pleasing designs too.  

Beck's 100 Cover Project

Beck's have commissioned 10 artists, including Hellovon, Si Scott and Mark Weaver, to rethink and design some of the best albums of the last 40 years (from Pitchfork lists).  The competition is now open to the public to take part and complete the collection of 100 albums. You can view the full list of albums and all album artwork here

I remember the 'Beck's Fusions - 3 minutes of art' stuff a while back and that was top notch too. You can view a bit of that here. And here.

CBS Creative Challenge Winners Announced

Friday was the final of the CBS Creative Challenge. Congratulations to CHI who won with their T-side for Anchor. Well done. A big Sell! Sell! thanks to the team at CBS for inviting us and running the competition, it was fun to be a part of.

The winner...

And a big thanks also to everyone who took a moment of their precious time to vote for one of our entries. Ta!...

You can see the final results here.

Young And Stupid?

Advertising has a problem with age, within both its targeting and its own walls. Turns out that it may be down to advertising in the first place. Funny...

Via the excellent Bob Hoffman

Can Hands

We spotted a big up of this Pringles banner ad on LOVE Creative's blog. After checking it out we realised that they, and the Cannes Cyber Lions chaps, and whoever else gave it praise or an award were quite right in doing so because it's cracking! 

We tend to steer clear of banners for fear they'll take us somewhere unsavoury, but this one (made by Bridge Worldwide) did no such thing and kept us clicking for a good few minutes, till the bitter end in fact. Heck, it even made us laugh.

It's unusual to see a well made banner that you actually want to click on. Nice.

2009 Emmy Title Design Nominees

True Blood

Taking Chance

United States of Tara


These are the nominees for Outstanding Main Title Design at this years Emmy awards, apart from Lie to Me as their titles aren't online.

Some very tasty stuff there. It's been a good couple of years for title design with Dexter and Mad Men winning the previous two years. You can see a full list of previous winners here.

Also there's a good post over on Creative Review about title design as well.

Eleanor Wood

Ahh. If only I could dream in the style of an Eleanor Wood collage.

Her paper-cut dream sequence collages are super. I hope we see more smashing stuff from her soon. 

Barnes & Noble Prints.

Have a look at these lovely hand pulled silk screen prints over on American bookseller Barnes & Nobles Etsy shop.

This Week's Big Result

The one everyone's been waiting for - the winners of the win an exclusive-ish Sell! Sell! Fuck Off Jonathan From Spotify tee shirt competition.

Yes, we know that there's also been some other thing to do with Aussies and bats and things, but this is the one that has really caught the imagination of the public.

And so to the winners, in no particular order, and their winning answers...

I need a Sell! Sell! Fuck Off Jonathan From Spotify tee shirt because... said Jonathan is actually one of my best mates and I left one of my favourite hoodies at his place in Stockholm 4 months ago and the Geordie twat still hasn't given it back thus I wish to send this T-shirt to his Mrs and get her to wear it one evening when he fancies a little lovin' - 'Anonymous'.

I need a Sell! Sell! Fuck Off Jonathan From Spotify tee shirt because... My wildest dreams mainly consist of putting out fires started by arsonists in only my pants and a Jonathan from Spotify t-shirt - Andrew South

I need a Sell! Sell! Fuck Off Jonathan From Spotify tee shirt because... Jonathan has been made redundant and I am replacing him - Rohon Bhuyan

I need a Sell! Sell! Fuck Off Jonathan From Spotify tee shirt because... 'Pet Sounds' by the Beach Boys sounds marginally less enjoyable when that absolute bumknuckle pops up halfway through - Matthew Barnes

I need a Sell! Sell! Fuck Off Jonathan From Spotify tee shirt because... I am Roberta !!!! Jeremy size XL - Jeremy Boucher

Well done to you lot, your tee will be winging its way to you shortly.
We're also sending one to you Cooper, even though your entry was a bit shit, your link more than made up for it. And we're always up for a bit of solid bribery.

A big thanks to everyone who entered.

Life Magazine 1960's

Just stumbled across this gallery of Life magazine images from 40 years ago. Some great stuff there.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs Snakesweat

Short film Directed by Barney Clay, up on for one week only.

"A mescaline-infused short featuring the YYY's playing severely warped versions of themselves. Together, they try to "lose their minds in order to recover purity of truth." And stuff."

Watch here.

Frenzied Waters

Ever wondered what it would be like to be eaten by a shark? Me neither but if you did, this is the site for you. The integration with Facebook Connect at the end is very very eerie to say the least.

Win An Exclusive-ish Fuck Off Jonathan From Spotify Tee Shirt

We took delivery of our smashingly to-the-point Sell! Sell! Fuck off Jonathan from Spotify tee shirts today, as modeled here by our good friend El Burrito.

And, you guessed it (well the title of the post gives it away somewhat) we're giving away five FOJFS tees to our gorgeous readers.

Simply complete this sentence "I need a Sell! Sell! Fuck off Jonathan from Spotify tee shirt because..." and email it to us at (oh, and don't forget to include your tee size).

The best five as judged by an esteemed international panel of creatives (much like Cannes except with less wankers) get one each.


This is quite often how we feel about the city. We think someone might need one of our posters.

Spotted recently in the 'Ditch.

Typographic Football Idents By Squa

Our good pal Squa has made these excellent typographic animated diagrams as idents for DigiSport TV. There are six in total, a disproportionate number featuring famous goals against England. Squa is from Northern Ireland. Just saying.
Really nice stuff, see more Squa work here and here.

Le Tour de Chalk

So there's no football this summer, the cricket is living up to the usual false hope and failed expectation, if you're English. And golf is just plain dull. But there is some cycling on the telly, the Tour de France in fact. We're not really cycling fans and apart from the Lance Armstrong story there's not a lot to get excited about.

This is (moderately) exciting though. Its the Nike x Livestrong chalkbot. Basically its a machine that chalks messages onto the ground a bit further ahead of the cyclists to inspire them. Fans of the tour have been doing this by hand for years but now Nike are taking it to another level. Anyone in France or the USA can text or inevitably twat, twit, tweet their message and it will get chalked up, in "Livestrong/yellow jersey" yellow along the way. There's a bit more about it here. Nice idea.

Crisis Bus Side Ad in CBS Grand Prix

Remember the CBS bus ad competition from a while back?
Well happily one of our entries, for homeless charity Crisis made it into the Grand Prix.
Now is the time for action.
Click through to the competition site here.
Please give your vote to a worthy cause - the winning entry gets a free bus campaign out of it.
And we'd be well chuffed too, obviously.

What do murder, paedophilia, suicide and a baby tiger have in common?

They have all been used to sell stuff in these disturbing vintage ads. Check out this post over at retrocomedy for a few more dodgy ads, brilliant if not slightly scary.

Augmented Reality

We've been hearing and seeing lots of things to do with augmented reality technology recently. And not a lot of it has been particularly useful. But a new app for the iPhone being developed by acrossair is helping change that. The application is essentially a 3d tube map using augmented reality and the magnetic compass in the iPhone. Clever stuff.

Lubalin archives

At the Cooper Union school of art and science in the USA, they have an in depth archive of Herb Lubalins work. Not just the polished, finished work he is famed for, but also a lot of good rough work. You can see some of whats available in this flickr set.
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